Meet You in Hell: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and the Bitter Partnership That Transformed America

Les Standiford writes history like a novelist. As much as the name Carnegie is synonymous with libraries and philanthropy, what student of labor history can ever forget Homestead? And how many will look at the title and say, Henry Clay who? Frick. Standiford does an excellent job creating sympathy for both these characters, while at the same time pulling no punches about their business tactics.
Neither man was born into a wealthy family. They amassed their wealth on the backs of men from their own social class, while rising above it to become two of the most powerful men in industry. Why is Carnegie so well known and Frick is not? Read Standiford's history to find out. This is some of the richest history of these United States, and you will enjoy reading Standiford's engaging prose as you learn the intricacies about how industrialists built this country, and their own empires.


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