Busy reading... ?

I borrowed a book from the library six days ago and promptly got too busy to read. That shouldn't happen.

This afternoon I was determined that nothing was going to stand in my way and as I began reading I realized that I've started this book before. I probably borrowed it from the library before, and got too busy to read.

I like to be busy, don't get me wrong. I just don't want to be busy doing the wrong things, like sitting around playing a mindless trivia game on my phone (yes, I admit it, I do this sometimes ... I consider it therapy - it's a quiz after all!) for HOURS.  Housework is a real issue.  There are not enough hours in the day to work full time, do housework, cook meals, and read.   So, I have to work, and while I don't eat very much, I do need to eat.  I can say this with honesty too - I need to read.  There are people who will completely understand that, and others who will cock their heads to one side, perhaps, and say, "Need?  I doubt it."

And so my reader friends, I forego daily housework. And why not? It'll only be dusty again tomorrow. I do regular cleanings, and while I do, I pretend it's someone else's house.  That way I don't get bogged down putting things away.  I just chuck it all in a basket, and leave it on a chair for the owner (me, later) to go through.  Works like a charm.

Now, back to that book... 


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